Astrosounds nedir? Burcunun haftalık seyrinin müzikle süslenmiş hali. Müzik dinlemek için başka bir yol, yeni bir opsiyon, en temizinden yepyeni bir bahane. Üstelik bu hafta en sevdiğimiz astrologlar Astro Poets‘in şiirsel burç yorumları ve yeni albümü şerefine Robyn şarkıları sizlerle.
Her adımından önce yıldızları kontrol edenlere, bu iç karartıcı günde biraz keyfimiz yerine gelsin diye, afiyetle.
Week of 11/4 in Aries: You might be feeling like it’s everyone’s business to say no to you. No, more so it’s your business not to listen to anyone say anything. Be the fire or don’t even bother. Don’t look back.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Taurus: So be it that the sun glows green. Is it terror that keeps us looking. No it’s the aftermath of bliss. Don’t be frightened to look out.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Gemini: You are awfully good at telling people what’s wrong. Now you will feel that skill go inward. Be strong and peppery. You will be ok if you remember the violet light.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Cancer: You are preparing for something. I mean you always are but in this case it’s something you were expecting. If you can’t wait then don’t. Don’t count on anything until you can.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Leo: It’s not really your way to make a big fuss unless you need to. Ok but sometimes you need to. Now is not that time. Shut the door—things need to end.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Virgo: You like to put all of your things that you love in a little row. But some of these things cannot be put there. Maybe because some of them are ideas and must expand versus contract. Things are changing and it’s for the better.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Libra: You are trying to help and you are helpful. What if you can’t wait to be a star but then it starts. Is it only that the things you love you love them only because. Be kind and you will be.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Scorpio: It’s probably ok to dream. Just because you can go into everyone else’s dreams doesn’t mean they too have that power. If you look into the eyes of the ocean, will you see dreams. Ask yourself that question a few times.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Sagittarius: You keep asking for what you came here for and you will continue to do so. Just like always if you keep standing everything else will fall down. Is it this magnetic pull that is so serious. Or is it you that is so serious.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Capricorn: Some things will turn out exactly or even better than you have expected. But other things you couldn’t have planned for. You are sure you have the answer. You might be sure but don’t be so sure.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Aquarius: You are very loyal and fair in ways you don’t always get credit for. The next time someone says you live in the clouds, tell them the clouds are very fair. Explain the strength of rain and art. Don’t listen to anyone who isn’t listening.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018
Week of 11/4 in Pisces: You will reach out to an old friend. Open your eyes in the night. In the dark you can see the red sun. In the dark you can hear your old friends.
— Astro Poets (@poetastrologers) November 5, 2018